Coin [object Object] Persian Empire obverse
Coin [object Object] Persian Empire reverse

Tetradrachm - Sabakes (Egypt Satrapy)

País Persian Empire
Emissor Persian Empire
Período ​Achaemenid satrapy of Egypt
Calendário Gregoriano
Período de emissão Sem data (-343 - -333)
Formato round
Alinhamento Desconhecido
Padrão monetário Drachm (550-330 BCE)
Valor 4
Valor facial AR Tetradrachm = 4 Drachm
Fora de circulação? Sim

Informações técnicas

Tipo de item Moeda
Subtipo Moeda comum
Material Simples - Principal: Prata
Peso 17.15 g
Largura -
Altura -
Espessura -


After years of independence from Persia, Egypt was finally recovered in 343 by the Persian king Artaxerxes III. In the last decade of Persian rule, various local satraps took it upon themselves, as the need arose, primarily to pay for mercenary Greek soldiers, to strike Tetradrachms with Athenian types, but bearing their own names in Aramaic script. Such issues are known for Sabakes, the satrap of Egypt. In 333 B.C. Sabakes led a contingent from Egypt to join the Persian army facing Alexander. He died at Issos.
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Coin Tetradrachm - Sabakes (Egypt Satrapy) Persian Empire undefined


Descrição Helmeted head of Athena right
Coin Tetradrachm - Sabakes (Egypt Satrapy) Persian Empire undefined


Legendas SWYK or CHIVS
Descrição Owl standing r., head facing, crescent and olive spray to l., Aramaic or Hieroglyphic legend



-343 - -333

Calendário Gregoriano
Primeira emissão -343
Última emissão -333
Observações After years of independence from Persia, Egypt was finally recovered in 343 by the Persian king Artaxerxes III. In the last decade of Persian rule, various local satraps took it upon themselves, as the need arose, primarily to pay for mercenary Greek soldiers, to strike Tetradrachms with Athenian types, but bearing their own names in Aramaic script. Such issues are known for Sabakes, the satrap of Egypt. In 333 B.C. Sabakes led a contingent from Egypt to join the Persian army facing Alexander. He died at Issos.
Valor médio sugerido

-343 - -333

Calendário Gregoriano
Primeira emissão -343
Última emissão -333
Observações Memphis
Valor médio sugerido

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