Coin [object Object] Brazil obverse
Coin [object Object] Brazil reverse

1 Centavo (Cowboy)

Country Brazil
Issuer Brazil
Period -
Calendar Gregorian
Issue period 1989 - 1990
Circulation End Date Invalid date
Shape round
Alignment Coin ↑↓
Currency Cruzado novo (1989-1990)
Face Value 0.01
Face Word 1 Centavo
Out of circulation? Yes
Cows And Bovines
Horses And Equines

Technical information

Item type Coin
Subtype Common Coin
Material Plain - Main: Stainless Steel
Weight 2.01 g
Width 16.5 mm
Height 16.5 mm
Thickness 1.2 mm
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Coin 1 Centavo (Cowboy) Brazil undefined


Legends 1
English translation 1 Cent Brazil
Description Face value with big numeral, country name below; on background big circle resembling the center of Brazilian flag, on right 1 5-pointed star, indicating face value in Braille code,
Coin 1 Centavo (Cowboy) Brazil undefined


Legends 1989
English translation 1989
Description Cattle herder riding, in front silhouettes of cows, issuing year below


Description Smooth


Calendar Gregorian
Quantity issued 298.100.000
First emission 1989
Last emission 1990
Suggested average value


Calendar Gregorian
Quantity issued 1.000.000
First emission 1989
Last emission 1990
Suggested average value

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