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Shisa of Kokusai Street Yui-Rail - 1-Travel Scenes - 3 Okinawa Shuri Castle - Kokusai Street-Japan

País Japão
Emissor Japão
Período -
Calendário Gregoriano
Período de emissão 2009
Valor facial 80 ¥
Padrão monetário Japanese yen
Série Travel Scenes - 3: Okinawa, Shuri Castle - Kokusai Street
Cores Multicolorido
Formato Stamp
Picote comb 13
Técnica offset lithography
Goma Ordinary
Tema Animais (Fauna)

Informações técnicas

Tipo de item Selo
Subtipo Regional
Peso -
Largura 28 mm
Altura 37 mm


This is the third series of “Travel Scenes” to introduce the scenery and customs of the representative tourist destinations in Japan. The third tourist spot is Shurijo-Kokusai dori area in Okinawa
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Coin Shisa of Kokusai Street Yui-Rail - 1-Travel Scenes - 3 Okinawa Shuri Castle - Kokusai Street-Japan Japão undefined




Calendário Gregoriano
Primeira emissão 23/01/2009
Última emissão 2009
Observações This is the third series of “Travel Scenes” to introduce the scenery and customs of the representative tourist destinations in Japan. The third tourist spot is Shurijo-Kokusai dori area in Okinawa

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