Coin [object Object] Arábia Saudita obverse
Zameer Abubakar
Coin [object Object] Arábia Saudita reverse
Zameer Abubakar

King Abdulaziz Al Saud, Founder of KSA (1st type; 2nd size)

País Arábia Saudita
Emissor Arábia Saudita
Período -
Calendário Islâmico
Período de emissão 1373 (1953)
Formato round
Alinhamento Medalha ↑↑
Motivo comemorativo King Abdulaziz Al Saud, Founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (AH 1293-1373)
Fora de circulação? Sim

Informações técnicas

Tipo de item Moeda fantasia
Subtipo Medalhas
Material Simples - Principal: Prata (.925)
Peso 5.14 g
Largura 23.5 mm
Altura 23.5 mm
Espessura 1.5 mm


Medal is gold-plated. Medal with mint (★ 121 MI) and fineness (925) stamps on Reverse: © Image courtesy of Heritage Auctions Available in 4 different sizes/weights. Comparison between the 4 medals: © Zameer Abubakar Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud (Arabic: عبد العزيز بن عبد الرحمن آل سعود‎‎, 15 January 1875 – 9 November 1953), usually known within the Arab world as Abdulaziz and in the West as Ibn Saud, was the first monarch and founder of Saudi Arabia, the "third Saudi state". He reconquered his family's ancestral home city of Riyadh in 1902, starting three decades of conquests that made him the ruler of nearly all of central Arabia. He consolidated his control over the Najd in 1922, then conquered the Hejaz in 1925. He extended his dominions into, what later became, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. As King, he presided over the discovery of petroleum in Saudi Arabia in 1938 and the beginning of large-scale oil production after World War II. He fathered many children, including 45 sons, and all of the subsequent kings of Saudi Arabia. ١٣٧٣
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Coin King Abdulaziz Al Saud, Founder of KSA (1st type; 2nd size) Arábia Saudita undefined


Legendas مُؤَسِّسُ المملَكَة العَربيَّة السُعُودية
١٢٩٣ ١٣٧٣
الملك عَبد العَزيز آل سُعُود
Tradução para inglês Founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1373-1293 King Abdulaziz Al Saud
Descrição Bust of King Abdulaziz Al Saud facing left, dividing Islamic dates in Arabic of his birth and death. His title at the top and name at the bottom in Arabic.
Coin King Abdulaziz Al Saud, Founder of KSA (1st type; 2nd size) Arábia Saudita undefined


Legendas ︿
بسمـِ اللهِ الرَّحمن الرَحيمـ
وَاعتصموا بحبل الله جميعاً ولا تفرقوا
Tradução para inglês In the name of Allah (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful "And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided"
Descrição The Basmala and a Quranic verse in Arabic.


Descrição Reeded

1373 (1953)

Calendário Islâmico
Primeira emissão 1373 (1953)
Última emissão 1373 (1953)
Observações Medal is gold-plated. Medal with mint (★ 121 MI) and fineness (925) stamps on Reverse: © Image courtesy of Heritage Auctions Available in 4 different sizes/weights. Comparison between the 4 medals: © Zameer Abubakar Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud (Arabic: عبد العزيز بن عبد الرحمن آل سعود‎‎, 15 January 1875 – 9 November 1953), usually known within the Arab world as Abdulaziz and in the West as Ibn Saud, was the first monarch and founder of Saudi Arabia, the "third Saudi state". He reconquered his family's ancestral home city of Riyadh in 1902, starting three decades of conquests that made him the ruler of nearly all of central Arabia. He consolidated his control over the Najd in 1922, then conquered the Hejaz in 1925. He extended his dominions into, what later became, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. As King, he presided over the discovery of petroleum in Saudi Arabia in 1938 and the beginning of large-scale oil production after World War II. He fathered many children, including 45 sons, and all of the subsequent kings of Saudi Arabia. ١٣٧٣

1373 (1953)-★ 121 MI

Calendário Islâmico
Primeira emissão 1373 (1953)
Última emissão 1373 (1953)
Observações ١٣٧٣ (with mint and fineness stamps)

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