Coin [object Object] Israel obverse
Coin [object Object] Israel reverse

50 Shekels (King David)

País Israel
Emissor Israel
Período -
Calendário Hebraico
Período de emissão 5722 (1962)
Formato round
Alinhamento Desconhecido
Valor 50
Valor facial 50 Shekels
Fora de circulação? Sim

Informações técnicas

Tipo de item Moeda fantasia
Subtipo Emissões fantasia
Material Simples - Principal: Ouro (.916.7)
Peso 5.9 g
Largura 22.5 mm
Altura 22.5 mm
Espessura -


Although this coin looks very much like a coin officially issued by the Israeli Mint, it is a privately issued, and therefore unofficial "medallic" issue. Strictly speaking it should not be called a coin, but it does show a denominational value like a coin. It is listed in Unusual World Coins. published by Krause Publications. Although it has no legal tender status, it nevertheless remains an attractive and artistic piece, and many collectors would happily find a place for one of these in their collection. The reverse design is a menorah in sprays with 12 symbols of 12 tribes of Israel.
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Coin 50 Shekels (King David) Israel undefined


Legendas 5722 ✡ דוד מלך ישראל ✡
Descrição Crowned bust of King David facing right.
Coin 50 Shekels (King David) Israel undefined


Legendas 50
Descrição Menorah in sprays with 12 symbols of 12 tribes of Israel.



5722 (1962)

Calendário Hebraico
Primeira emissão 5722 (1962)
Última emissão 5722 (1962)
Observações Although this coin looks very much like a coin officially issued by the Israeli Mint, it is a privately issued, and therefore unofficial "medallic" issue. Strictly speaking it should not be called a coin, but it does show a denominational value like a coin. It is listed in Unusual World Coins. published by Krause Publications. Although it has no legal tender status, it nevertheless remains an attractive and artistic piece, and many collectors would happily find a place for one of these in their collection. The reverse design is a menorah in sprays with 12 symbols of 12 tribes of Israel.

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